- faq -


Keycap sales can happen in a variety of formats, but most commonly it will be handled via one of the two methods listed below:

1. Larger sales will be conducted with a “Raffle-style” format, and will take place at the Current Sales page. This format means that a link to a Google form will be posted containing all specific sale information, and will be open for (X) amount of hours (usually 6, 12 or 24). On the Google form, you can select which colorways/sculpts you are interested in, and a maximum number of caps you want to purchase. Then you fill out some basic personal information (name, paypal email, shipping address, username, ect), and submit the form. Once the sale is closed, I will use a random number generator to pick numbers associated with individual entries as “winners”. All picked winners will receive invoices via Paypal. If the invoice is not paid within the time outlined, it will be re-raffled in the same manner to someone else. Entering a raffle-style sale does not guarantee a win, and the more entries there are, the smaller your chances of winning. These sales will be announced ahead of time via my Instagram/Discord/Website/Newsletter/Reddit.

2. Random caps, 1-offs, extras, or B-stock: I will add these to the “Keycaps” section of my storefront as I see fit. Anything in the storefront is essentially FCFS (first-come, first-serve), and to purchase you just add to cart and checkout like a normal online store. I will not typically announce when caps are added to my storefront, so be sure to hit that F5 often!

how do you decide what colorways to do?

I define a “colorway” as any set of keycaps/resin items that are made in the same batch using the exact same mixes of resin.

Most colorways I roughly plan ahead of time; sometimes to match certain keysets or sometimes based on something I saw that day that inspired me. Other times, I make colorways in the moment by selecting dyes/fillers/powders randomly and try to make something that looks good. Sometimes colorways happen completely by accident (ie: I made a happy little accident), or sometimes I just drink a bunch of rum and see what happens.

Additionally, I’ve had a few times where I’ve hosted some polls/contests to help decide colorways/designs.

How big are the keycaps, and how do I mount them?

All artisan keycaps that I make conform to the official Cherry MX Specification to ensure compatibility with any MX-style switch and keycap. My keycaps are all hand-tested to ensure proper switch fitment on Cherry MX switches (although some aftermarket switches do not quite conform to spec, so fitment may be a tad loose/tight.) All of my artisan keycaps fit within a 20x20mm bounding box to ensure that they won’t rub on adjacent keycaps when used on a keyboard with standard switch spacing.

can you make me something CUSTOM, exactly the way I want it?

This is called a commission, and yes, I can. However, commissions are a lot more work for me than usual, and come with a corresponding price tag. I am not always open to commissions, but if I am, you can submit your interest and find more information on my Commissions page.

How do you make all this stuff?

For keycaps, see the Artisan Keycaps: What the Heck? page for more detailed info about my process of making sculpted keycaps.

For all other products, I produce everything using a variety of mediums/methods that would be very difficult to explain in a couple sentences. However, every product I make goes through a stringent process of individual care and inspection, ensuring you get the most unique and perfect hand-crafted items I can deliver.


I am located in North Carolina, USA. I ship all packages personally from my nearby post office.

what if i have a question not covered in your crappy faq?

Please ask me any other questions you may have via the Contact page!