night city Raffle sale

sale closed - all packages shipped


night city

As night falls, and the neon lights stutter on, casting their colorful glow over the dark crevices of the city, you load up your cyberweapons and head out on an intense adventure. With you are some neon keycaps! Loosely inspired by the game Cyberpunk2077 and just the general cyberwave aesthetic, these encapsulated keycaps are full of translucent color fades, and neon-esque glows!

Sale opens Tuesday, Mar. 29th at 5pm EST

Caps Available (all are MX stems):
Electric Avenue Xayru x 8 ($85)
Neon Nightlife Aweigh! x 6 ($75)
Neon Nightlife Mortem x 6 ($75)
Neon Nightlife Blank x 1 (FREE to one winner!)

The sale facts:
Raffle-style sale.
Can win up to 3 caps per person.
Form will be open for 24 hours.
Invoices will go out afterwards- you have 24 hours to pay.

Shipping costs:
CAN $14
AUS $15
INT $16/$44/$52

Duplicate entries will be banned and be given to the cybermod shop for experimentation!